A view through a window tinted by thought

Sunday, February 26, 2006

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my stylish mum Posted by Picasa

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the little demon who stands guard at Hell's Gate - Little Nicky! Posted by Picasa

penguins! :) Posted by Picasa

a big stalagmite in the waitomo caves Posted by Picasa

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a view of the roof of the caves.. Posted by Picasa

Dina testing my bike out.

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a view fro mmount eden Posted by Picasa

a nice sunset Posted by Picasa

Dina, Anji, Nats & Mum at Glover's Park Posted by Picasa

The view from the bench a little further away from Glover's park Posted by Picasa

Nicholas (Natasha's little bro) being himself :) Posted by Picasa

Piha is known for it's black "shifting" sands :) Posted by Picasa

Piha beach from the road Posted by Picasa