A view through a window tinted by thought

Friday, December 02, 2005

Last bit of the last leg - I rode this.. Posted by Picasa

The prize giving...see the plasma TV box in the background ?:) Posted by Picasa

Well, actually, HERE's how :) Posted by Picasa

A small sampling of the crowd at the event... Posted by Picasa

Wonder how they get all those bikes around? Here's how! Posted by Picasa

And that's the start! Posted by Picasa

All the first leg relay riders at the start line.

If you look carefully, you'll see the start line (middle, far left) Posted by Picasa

Our two starters...

Curtis (Team 1137, rider A) and Chris (1136A) Posted by Picasa

Getting bikes ready for the race...

From left to right :

Curtis, Chris (with the yellow bag), me, Geoff (blue jacket), Philippe (beige jacket), Anthony (blue tracksuit), Michelle (black bag) Posted by Picasa